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It may take some patience, but you’ll get the hang of it. The key is to let the weight of the razor do the work. By that I mean a classic, old-school safety razor. Ready to ditch some fuzz? Start by getting rid of cheap, disposable pharmacy razors and getting yourself a real razor. Read Next | This is What a Gay Romantic Meltdown Looks Like Take Your Shaving to the Next Level Everyone is a VIP at Cut and Drip ? – #CutAndDrip #Barbers #BromleyĪ post shared by Cut & Drip | Barbers ? on at 12:01pm PST That’s what you get as standard with our first class haircuts.

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? RUB IT IN ?‍♂️ – Take a seat, switch off, and enjoy a steamy hot towel and muscle relaxing massage.

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